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Tack GPS Helps Parents Locate their Children

Updated: May 11, 2021

An estimated 8 million children are said to go missing each year*, worldwide. Around 800,000 are from the United States, 40,000 each year in Brazil, 50,500 in Canada, 39,000 in France, 100,000 in Germany, 45,000 in Mexico, and an estimated 230,000 go missing in the United Kingdom every year.

The safety of our children is paramount to us at Tack GPS, whether they are at play or at school, or out with friends. Usually you can do this directly from a mobile phone, but with limited battery life, it will exhaust itself very quickly and run out of battery. The Tack GPS was created with ultra long battery life in mind, built on top of the NB IoT modern network we were able to extend the battery life to 30 days.

It was also necessary to overcome the fact that most GPS devices could not be used indoors since they required out of the open communication with GPS satellites to operate. Therefore, many couldn't be used indoors. Our solution to this limitation was to use WiFi to communicate and geolocate the location through WiFi positioning. This makes tracking indoors possible today. Lastly, we make use of the mobile network for communications as well, thus, with the Tack GPS Location Tracker, you can track outdoors, indoors and overseas.

With Safety Zone notifications, you can set up zones for your children when they are at school or in the playground, and if they leave the zones, you will receive a text message on your phone, giving you peace of mind about their whereabouts.

  • Dashboard: Monitor multiple devices location and status in a single dashboard view

  • Live mode: Remotely trigger continuous location reports during emergency

  • Check-in: On demand location update from device on button press

Our family is our pride and joy, and their happiness and safety is our most important responsibility.

Works equally great on both Android and iOS


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